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Monday 23 October 2017

Indian Sari Design

Indian Sari Design collection 2017
It's hard to tell exactly how old sari are. There are not many historical records from India that predate the appearance of sari as a common garment (4). The methods of growing and weaving cotton into finished fabrics were known in India as many as five-thousand years ago. It has been suggested that some form of sari may have been worn as far back as that period . Before the advent of tailoring in Indian culture, unsewn cloths, likely made of cotton were worn wrapped around the body.White - White is a spiritually significant color often found in garments worn at religious ceremonies. Fabric dyeing of any sort is traditionally regarded as being spiritually impure. Priests are therefore often associated with this color. White is also a color of mourning and white sari are common garments for widows. 

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