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Tuesday 21 November 2017

Daily foot care tips

Daily foot care tips

Feet need more attention than we give them in general. Rough skin, cracked heels, corns, ingrown nails and broken when feetare together, they would rather hide iboots as present in sandals. It must not be that, because the proper foot care tips for beautiful feet makes very little work but pays twice. Comprehensive care is mainly in autumn and winter essential find attached the most important foot care tips and care tips and tricks 
1.   Proper foot care begins with the daily washing. It is best to use a mild soap sparingly. Otherwise, the skin dries out too much and is easily cracked.
2.   Make sure that the water temperature does not exceed 37 degrees Celsius. Foot baths for more than 3 minutes because the skin softens and is vulnerable and cracked, germs and bacteria can easily penetrate
3.   After washing feet and toes should be thoroughly dried, even if it just needs to go in the morning often quickly. Don’t forget especially between the toes, otherwise, in the warm, moist air easily Athlete’s foot arise.

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