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Monday 20 November 2017

Lemon benefits for skin

Lemon benefits for skin 

There are enormous benefitsof lemon juice and water in your everyday life,
Lemon juice is truly beneficial in beauty and health care.
Lemon juice remedy cab be used to clear acne. It’s a simple and natural way to treat your own skin and it is completely safe.
You can either apply lemon juice onto your skin or drink it. Both will help you reduce blemishes and scars externally and internally.
Lemon Juice Recipe / Instructions
  1. Ensure your skin is clean.
  2. Take 1 teaspoon of lemon juice into a small bowl. Use a cotton ball to soak up some juice. Dilute it with water if it burns.
  3. Dab the juice onto your pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, and Freckles.
  4. Leave on over night and rinse in the morning. Apply it again, you will get excellent result.

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