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Tuesday 21 November 2017

Sensitive skin care tips

Sensitive skin care tips

Did you know that over 20 percent of adults have sensitive skin? If your skin is sensitive, you may notice itching, burning, and stinging.
If you have sensitive skin, first of all avoid using hot water, also avoid using most bar soaps on your face, which can be drying and irritating. Even those 'face and body' bars which are supposed to be very moisturizing can cause a skin outbreak. Consult your dermatologist and follow his/her advise. Here are some effective natural tips regarding sensitive skin care:
Cider Vinegar Toner – This is one of the great and simple natural skin care tips. Mix 3 parts pure water to one part natural cider vinegar and splash on the face.
If this is too strong for you, dilute with more water. This is affordable, and have no side effects and can be a great acne treatment for sensitive skin. It simply restores natural ph of your skin.
Aloe Vera Toner - Mix a little aloe Vera gel with some water, or put in a blender until it is well mixed. This is very soothing as long as you are not allergic to aloe Vera. It works well for men after shaving or for women after using tweezers to remove unwanted facial hair.

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