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Tuesday 21 November 2017

Homemade Dandruff solution tips

Homemade Dandruff solution tips

A guide to the causes of dandruff and how to avoid them, if possible. Also includes a list of home remedies and treatments.
Dandruff in hair is a common problem and the major disadvantage of dandruff is that it weakens the hair. It can be caused by either the dead skin of the head or may be due to fungal infection, stress or change in weather. It can cause irritation of the skin and itching. Some of the home remedies for treating dandruff are:

  • Apple cider vinegar is an effective home remedy for treatment of dandruff. The liquid can be applied to the scalp by hand or sprayed onto the scalp. It should be left on the scalp for several hours or overnight to be effective.
  • Aloe Vera is also supposed to be a great dandruff healer. Application of it twice a week for thirty minutes before washing off would lead to good results.
  • Soak one tablespoon of fenugreek seeds overnight in water. Grind them into a paste. Apply the paste on the hair for an hour and wash it off using a mild shampoo.
  • Another simple method for removing dandruff from hair would be heating oil and massaging your scalp and hair thoroughly at night and washing all off in the morning. You could also use olive oil.
  • Lime juice can clear the dandruff caused by a fungal infection

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