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Tuesday 21 November 2017

Homemade shampoo tips

Homemade shampoo tips
Prepare a homemade shampoo for silky hair with pure natural ingredients, 100% safe and easy to prepare at home.This shampoo recipe not only safe your money but also give a healthy touch to your hair.

    1. You can prepare shampoo for your hair at home. Its very easy, effective and without any side effects. Take a tablespoon of baking soda mixed with two cups of hot water makes a great homemade shampoo recipe for hair.
    2. Another best home remedy for shampoo can be prepared by using lemon and cucumber. Blend one fresh peeled lemon with one peeled cucumber in the blender. Pour out into a jug and then apply to your hair, massaging well, rinse thoroughly. This is very beneficial! The cucumber acts as a conditioning agent, and the lemon as a cleansing agent, so both ingredients together are like a two in one homemade hair shampoo!

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